NGCA Ducklings Pre-School (Ducklings), is a part of Notley Green Community Association (NGCA).
NGCA is a registered charity in England and Wales, registration number 1058443.
NGCA Ducklings is registered with
Ofsted, registration URN: 203565.
Ofsted has rated Ducklings as an
Outstanding Early Years setting provider since November 2005.
Ducklings is managed by a
Parents Management Committee, made up of existing parents and ex-parents.
At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year, we require that 60% or more of the committee must be existing parents.
Day to day running of Ducklings is the responsibility of the Supervisor, aided by a team of qualified staff to meet and exceed the staff / children ratio as required by Ofsted.
As we are a charity run Pre-School, Ducklings is non-profit making and any operating surplus is invested back into the setting for the benefit of the children.
Our Mission
NGCA Ducklings believes that children thrive in an environment which values their own uniqueness, while providing support and opportunities to grow emotionally, socially and creatively. By building on each child’s strengths, interests and curiosities, we guide each child to explore the world around them as well as develop new abilities and form close relationships.
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